Are you busy all day but feel like you get nothing done? Here I will teach you to do get more done in less time!
More about Schedules & Routines
How To Stay Consistent
How To Stay Consistent On A Daily Basis In 10 Simple Steps Ready to set new goals but you are wondering how to stay consistent? Feeling overwhelmed by everything you think you need to do? It’s a long list, right? Consistency can be a tricky thing. How many times have you come up with big…
The Best Stay at Home Mom Schedule to Get More Stuff Done
Create the perfect stay at home mom schedule for your busy days. Get more done in less time with this simple 8 step process to organize your SAHM schedule.
8 Ways Moms Can Be More Productive (Even on the Hard Days)
Having a hard day? This post will walk you through 8 helpful ways moms can get through these hard days and keep up with their routines and productivity.
Need to get your schedule organized? Do a time audit! This post will teach you the process of improving time management and gaining more hours in your day.
Time Blocking 101 (For Busy Moms That Need More Time)
Need to organize your schedule? This post will walk you through the process of time blocking your schedule to get more things done in your day.
Free Printable Brain Dump Worksheet
A brain dump can instantly reduce overwhlem, stress, and anxiety. Simply write your to-do’s, thoughts, and feelings to get if off your mind and onto paper.
Tips for Balancing Life as a Part-Time Working Mom
Ways to Keep Your Sanity as a Part-Time Working Mom 9 weeks after I had my daughter, I had to go back to work 33 hours a week. I was able to work 3 long days, which was nice to have two days off, but it was still exhausting, even though I was considered “part-time”….