Are you busy all day but feel like you get nothing done? Here I will teach you to do get more done in less time!

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To-do list

How To Stay Consistent

How To Stay Consistent On A Daily Basis In 10 Simple Steps Ready to set new goals but you are wondering how to stay consistent? Feeling overwhelmed by everything you think you need to do? It’s a long list, right? Consistency can be a tricky thing. How many times have you come up with big…

Woman doing a brain dump

Free Printable Brain Dump Worksheet

A brain dump can instantly reduce overwhlem, stress, and anxiety. Simply write your to-do’s, thoughts, and feelings to get if off your mind and onto paper.

Working Mom Stress

Tips for Balancing Life as a Part-Time Working Mom

Ways to Keep Your Sanity as a Part-Time Working Mom 9 weeks after I had my daughter, I had to go back to work 33 hours a week. I was able to work 3 long days, which was nice to have two days off, but it was still exhausting, even though I was considered “part-time”….